


  • Planning and Construction of roads, railways, subways, and bridges


  • Planning and Construction of power plants (hydro, thermo, wind and solar) and transmission lines

Airports and Ports

  • Planning and Construction of full airports (terminals, runways, equipments, etc) and Ports (Containers, Cargo, Dryports, etc.)

Sanitation and Water Supply

  • Planning and Construction of water supply systems (treatment and distribution), sewage (collect system and treatment) and solid waste treatment.


  • Support to mining companies in the areas of logistics and earthworks.

Industrial Services

  • Support for the construction of industrial plants in the fields of infrastructure and building of concrete structures.


Engineering Services

  • Base and Executive projects
  • Design (Architectural, Structural and Infrastructure)
  • Procurement
  • Cost control and planning

Project Management

  • Project management and construction supervision
  • Customer interface, contract management, quality assurance and documentation
  • Services for European customers with projects in Africa